Keywords Technologies

Top 5 technologies in 2020

These top 5 technologies will coming in future and it will change the development domain. These technologies keywords focus to do more important in our platform. We are the best training center in kochi and we are providing live executed projects along with all training platform. Of-course we can say that there are some technologies still running in the market and these will be in 2020.  The technologies you people have to updates are 

1. Bigdata
From 2012 bigdata is in the market and people’s are started to handle bigdata using different technologies.Basically there are huge amount of data in different servers and different companies they are using. So that data we can use using data science. Using data science we can make use of data more sense.Data scientist is the most trendiest job in 21st century. Data science is basically the decisions which we are taking in different situations. Data science is manly needed for 3 situations better decision making, predictive analysis, and pattern discovery. Data science is used in different areas of solutions such as shipping , airlines, eCommerce, politics etc. 

2.IOT (Internet of things)
Using IOT you can connect all the devices such as smart phones, smart tv, smart watch etc. IOT is process of connecting any devices to the internet. Why IoT in the scense it will create better scope for data scientists and it will create a industry wide connectivity. It will helps to do real time analysis and it also create a career opportunities. Hardware for IOT sensors are general devices and sensing devices. When we are thing about IOT in your home every devices is getting connect in a single network and you can manage it from any where. Suppose you want to switch on AC you can use IOT.  Now a days we can manage AC using ur mobile phone because there are sensors. Same way we can manage every devices. All these various sensors are connected together and generate huge amount of data and all these data are stored in different server. When thinking about IOT every devices having different IP address that’s why were are using IPV6 now. When thinking about IOT it’s awesome because suppose you forgot to take car key you can search that device using mobile phone. There is one huge risk in IOT is suppose any of my connected device is getting hacked it will affect other devices also because every devices are in same network.

3. Augmented reality (AR) & Virtual Reality

 There are different products is going to be launched in AR and VR. Now a days we are using different screens such as mobile phone , computers and telephones. These are all big part of our lives. AR and VR  are two technologies changing the way we use screens.  VR uses a head set with a built in screen and displays a virtual environment you do to explore.  These head set uses a technology called head tracking.  VR is little bit different from AR. Instead of creating virtual environment AR placing different images in the VR environment. Using AR we can places a number of loins in the screen and using VR we can move around and explore the world full of lions . VR and AR slightly changes every industry. VR is very much closed to the digital world. When thinking about Virtual world I can use any thing I can move I can jumb everything. These are all do in virtually by using immersive devices. When we are using this device same like a eye front camera that devices is creating virtual world.  AR is the real world which means I am physically I an office like that. But we are creating some animals near to me which not original just digitally we are creating animals or any objects. Which means I am in the real world and all near to me is augmented.

4. Block chain
Next big technology which is affected in the industry is block chain. Same like internet block chain is also affected in IT industry. The block chain technology which implemented by using bit coin. Bitcoin is nothing but a digital crypto currency and it works on peer to peer network. For security purpose in Bitcoin we are using a technology called Asymmetric cryptography. Suppose I want to send a Bitcoin to another person trust is very much important. There is one person in between these 2 is called Ledger.Ledger is a central database. When five people in a block chain network every person is called as node. Entire block chain system works based on cryptography.

5. Artificial intelligence (AI)
Most of IT companies are move to AI Platform that’s why most of the companies hiring AI Professionals in future. Prerequisites of learning AI is some basic programming language. In AI most of us using Python language because of several reason first one is it is easy to lean and understand. The second prerequisite for learning AI is nothing but basic mathematics. AI enables the Machine to think. Which means Machine is going to take decision. Machine Learning is a subset of AI. ML provides a statistical tools to explore the data. ML having 2 different approaches first one is supervised ML, second one is un supervised and the third one is reinforcement learning. Deep Learning( DL) is the subset of ML. DL is nothing but how we try to learn things using computer. 

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